xdm for Amahi



2.5 / 20 ratings

XDM (eXtendable Download Manager) is a plugin based media collection manager. It is highly extensible with both internal & 3rd party plugins.

  • TV shows
  • Music albums
  • Movies
  • Books
  • Games

XDM is a framework to manage data trees and perform scheduled tasks according statuses of the nodes.

Available plugin types:
  • System: there is only one system plugin that provides the configuration
  • MediaTypeManager: These plugins define the structure and look of a media type
  • Provider: They provide meta data information and have to construct a data tree as defined by the MediaTypeManager
  • DownloadFilter/Pre: They accept or deny the search for an item
  • SearchTermFilter: They can modify the used search terms
  • Indexer: These plugins perform various actions to produce a list of Downloads
  • DownloadFilter/Post: They accept or deny a given download
  • Downloader: These plugins use the information given in the download and send it to other programs or perform the download themselves (has not been done yet)
  • PostProcessor: These plugins get the location of a finished download and perform any action on the files
  • Notifier: These plugins get a simple message created by XDM (as a suggestion) and the item and send out messages to other services or programs
Home Page xdm
Version 0.5.18
Contributor dano5
Updated about 9 years ago
Tags sabnzbd, sickbeard, manager, couchpotato, soho,
  • Fedora 19 Fedora 21
  • Fedora 23 Fedora 25
  • Fedora 27 Fedora 38

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